Age: 37
Joined: 07 Sep 2012
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Location: Germany
Many people now due to all causes bad breath, which will not only affect the normal communication, but also induced some diseases, and therefore must treat once halitosis. Halitosis treatment, what does? Bad breath how to do? Next Xiaobian recommended for everyone 6 to halitosis therapeutic side, as well as some of the rapid removal of bad breath tips, come take a look to learn it.
The halitosis seriously affect the communicationzahnaufhellung produkte
With the development of medicine and the improvement of people's living standard, bad breath more and more attention. Currently accepted for bad breath problems caused mainly divided into the following aspects.
1, the impact of communication
Although this aspect has nothing micromotorto do with health, but respondents said that this is the most harmful, society wants to survive had to be more and more social communication, bad breath may appear that the candidate is rejected, alienate colleagues , not appreciated by the boss, lover unbearable, talk about business somehow yellow.
1, eat tomatoes, grapefruit, dates, oranges, chewing orange peel also removes bad breath.
2, multi-chew chewing gum or breath freshener, which is the most simple method to remove bad breath life.
After dinner gargle with salt water,Polymerisationslampe bactericidal anti-inflammatory; soaked in water to drink or use fresh reed rhizome.
4, chewing parsley, tea or peanuts, chewing longer make its own unique aroma fully decomposed, can clean tone.
5, milk or boiling water, add some mint or fresh lemon juice, and drink a cup to remove bad breath.
Age: 32
Joined: 07 Jan 2016
Posts: 2
Da scheinbar auch gefüttert verschiedene Weise ist auch ein Problem bei sauber ist, ist es empfehlenswert, dass Sie insgesamt erhalten, auch wenn es keine Karies beim Zahnarzt.Mikromotor
Zum Zahnarzt gehen ab, Karies, und weil man von sich zu verletzen ist die alte Art und Weise. So daß es jetzt nicht haben, ist es wichtig, zur Verhinderung gehen.Polymerisationslampe