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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:17 am  Post subject:  How to convert MXF to FCP on Mac on Mac? Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

How to convert MXF to FCP on Mac on Mac?

Mac MXF to FCP Converter - How to convert MXF to FCP on Mac with MXF to FCP Converter for Mac?

MXF is encoded with any of a variety of codecs, together with a metadata wrapper which describes the material contained within the MXF file.MXF has been designed to address a number of problems with non-professional formats.

Many people get some MXF files from their camcorders and want to edit them in Final Cut Pro on Mac to make their own videos or movies. But they face the problem is when they try to import MXF to FCP, they find that FCP can't recognize the MXF files.

How to import MXF files into FCP? You must convert MXF to FCP supported video formats like MP4, MOV, DV etc. After converting MXF to FCP, you can import MXF files into FCP successfully and edit MXF files with it.

Mac MXF to FCP Converter is a ideal MXF to FCP Converter for Mac users. With it you not only can convert MXF to FCP, but also can convert MXF to other video formats such AVI, MPG, WMV, FLV, etc. After converting MXF to FCP, you can enjoy your videos on some portable devices like iPod, iPad, smartphone etc.

The following is how to convert MXF to FCP on Mac.

Step 1. Add MXF files into this MXF to FCP Converter for Mac

After downloading and running this program, click "Add" button to load the MXF files into the MXF to FCP Converter.


Step 2. Select output format

You can click on the "Format” bar, follow the list, you can choose the video formats like ".mov" to convert, then click the "Browse” button next to "Export to” field and specify an output folder to save converted files. Click "Choose” to confirm.

Step 3. Start convert

Before converting MXF to FCP on Mac, you can set video and audio bit rate, frame rate, channels, etc to make your videos different from others. All things are ready, you click "Convert" button to convert MXF to FCP on Mac.

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 09, 2012 1:58 am  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top


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PostPosted: Fri Nov 07, 2014 7:19 pm  Post subject:  iMovie Project to DVD, convert iMovie video to DVD on mac Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

iMovie Project to DVD Question: "Is there any way to burn a movie from iMovie without using iDVD? The only reason I wouldn't want to use iDVD is because I don't want a DVD menu. I just want the movie. Is there an option on iDVD to burn just the movie without choosing a 'Theme'? Thank you!" asked by jasmine on discussions.apple.com.

iMovie Project to DVD Solution: Want to burn iMovie video to DVD disc on Mac, you need the Mac iMovie to DVD Converter to solve the problem, the iMovie to DVD Creator for Mac is the best choice for you to convert iMovie video to DVD disc and then play iMovie video with DVD Player anywhere.

Free download and try the best iMovie to DVD Creator for Mac, you can burn iMovie video to DVD with a fast speed and high quality, just need some easy steps you can convert or burn your iMovie video files to DVD on Mac, try it now and enjoy yourselves!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 11:48 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Using a top MXF to ProRes Converter for Mac, you can easily convert Canon XF MXF files to Final Cut Pro X native Apple ProRes 422 for editing flawlessly.

Below are several disscussions about looking for the way importing Canon MXF files to the Final Cut Pro X:

Q1: Canon MXF files into FCP X
I'm interested in the new Canon XF300 camera, but I'm still working on an Apple G5 with FCP X. Is there an application, plug-in, etc. for the new FCP X to take in MXF files? [G5, Mac OS X (10.4.11)]

Q2: importing Canon .MXF files to Final Cut Pro X
What plug-in do I need to install so i can import and edit .MXF video files in Final Cut. The suggestion of doing Log and Transfer doesn't work (the .MXF files are gray out not allowing me to select it.) [Final Cut Pro X, Mac OS X (10.5.Cool]

Q3: Support for Canon MXF from XF100 in FCP X?
How do I import .mxf files into Final Cut Pro X? This is the latests and greatests software right? There must be a way. Help Please.


Here many folks are talking about how to import Canon MXF files into Final Cut Pro X for editing without rendering time. Well, don't blame to the Final Cut Pro X, the "Import from Camera…" option works just like "Log and Transfer". The thing is, even FCP X does not work with the Canon MXF files.

As far as i know, to solve those problems, the most important piece of the equation is that transcoding Canon MXF files to Final Cut Pro X native formats(e.g. Apple ProRes encoded mov format) along with some help from the third-party software. To help those who wanna import/edit MXF files in Final Cut Pro X flawlessly, I'm sharing my experience to convert Canon MXF files to Apple ProRes Codec for Final Cut Pro X.

As a professional MXF video converter, Pavtube iMixMXF provides your requirements for preserving and mixing MXF multi-tracks/channels, converting your Canon MXF video files to Apple ProRes codec, which is the best format for FCP (X)) output. The great MXF Converter for Mac also transcode MXF from HD camcorders (like JVC, Panasonic, Sony and Canon) to multi-track MKV/MP4/MOV or popular HD & Common video formats for professional editing in editing programs (e.g. FCE, iMovie, Avid Media Composer, Adobe Premiere Pro CC/CS, After Effects CC/CS, Premiere Elements, Creative Suite 6/5, Aperture 3, DaVinci Resolve, iPhoto, Kdenlive, Keynote) and free playback on iOS/Android/Windows devices, HDTV, Media Players and more. Apart from **multi-track preserving**, Pavtube iMixMXF can also mix multi tracks into one track. This feature help you mix the audios of interviewer, interviewee, surroundings, or editors/directors comments into one.


Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite, Mavericks 10.9 are supported now. Below is how.

Guide: How to Transcode Canon MXF footage to Final Cut Pro X editable format?

Step 1. Import MXF files to the top Mac MXF to FCP X Converter.

(Before conversion, you need to transfer MXF files from your camcorder or camera to Mac Hard Drive, then click the "add" button to browse to import Canon MXF videos)

Step 2. Click the format bar, and move mouse cursor to "Final Cut Pro > Apple ProRes 422 (*.mov)" as output format.


Step 3. Click "Convert" button to start transcoding Canon MXF files to Apple ProRes Codec.

Once the conversion is 100% completed, you can smoothly import the converted Canon MXF files to FCP X for further editing without hassle.

Some more helpful features of the app:

1. Settings- click to set video resolution(1920×1080/1440×1080/1280×720/720×480), bitrate (from 1Mbps to 20Mbps), frame rate (24p/30p)

2. Editor (next to "Add" icon)- click to set deinterlace, denoise, mute, volume up, trim, crop, etc.


Read more:

Source: http://videostepconvertmap.blogspot.com/2014/12/importing-canon-mxf-files-to-fcp-x.html

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 5:39 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Convert TiVo to QuickTime movie files for creating DVD

I use My TiVO Series 3 records the amazing new series on Fox / National Geographic: "COSMOS: A Space-time Odyssey" ans archive them so my niece can see it. She's in a remote area of the world, with no access to TV or even the Internet. But I can send her a DVD with the QuickTime movie files on it so she can see it that way. That's why I convert TiVo to mov files.


I'm simply editing in the QuickTime Player 7 itself; don't need anything fancy. Just editing out the ads. The fact that I could do this! I tried products from iSkySoft, and they didn't work. The open-source cTivo (Google Project) KIND of works, but doesn't give me much control over the final .mov file. Roxio Toast 11 can do it ... but limits you to 640 x 480 with no support for HD. Pavtube Video Converter for Mac (Review) is the ONLY product I can find on the Mac that works correctly and easily with native TIVO files! Two parts are included in this article.

PS: If you record a show on your TiVo box and want to transfer them to your Windows-based (Windows 10 included) PC, you can follow the instructions to transfer TiVo shows to your PC.

Part I: Transfer TiVo recorded shows to Mac OS X

TiVo Decode Manager is a free program which helps you fetch TiVo recovered shows and even transfers the files to your Mac for enjoyment.

1. Connect your TiVo to network

Make sure your TiVo on your home network. If it's not, consult your TiVo manual to get it connected. Set up an account at www.tivo.com. Log in and click DVR Preferences in the left navigation bar. Check Allow Transfers and click Save Preferences without logging out.


Click Overview in the left navigation bar, then click the Media Access Key (MAK) link on the right side of the window. The page that appears will reveal your MAK. Write it down, or select it and press Command-C on your keyboard. Now you can log out.

2. Make sure your Mac is on your network and launch TiVoDecode Manager.

TiVoDecode Manager (TDM) is a free Applescript Studio interface (i.e. "wrapper") for the tivodecode program that automates the process of downloading of standalone TiVo Series 2 files to your computer and decoding into MPEG-2 or MPEG-4 files. It is not for Series 1 (ever), Series 3, or DirecTiVos (unhacked or hacked).


3. Find your TiVo on your network.

Enter your TiVo's IP address in the TiVo IP Address box. Or let the software find it for you by selecting your TiVo from the pull-down menu and clicking the Update From TiVo button.
Next click the Prefs button in the lower-right corner. Fill in the Media Access Key box with the number you recorded in step 1. Click Update From TiVo again.

4. Transfer TiVo shows to Mac

A list of shows on your TiVo will appear in the Now Playing list.
Select the show and click Add Show To Queue. And now click Download Location to customize the place where you want to save your files.

Then Pick a format. At the bottom of the window, click the Download Format pull-down menu to select a format from MPEG-2 (native), QuickTime MPEG-4 (iPod), and custom MPEG-4 format for your downloaded show.


Part II: Convert TiVo to MOV on Mac (Yosemite included)

After fetching TiVo recovered shows and transfers them to your Mac, you need Pavtube HD Video Converter remove DRM automatically while converting TiVo files to QuickTime MOV with fast encoding speed and loss-less quality on Mac (OS X El Capitan, Yosemite and Mavericks included). Now you need download and install the trial:

Image Image

Other Download:
- Pavtube old official address: http://www.pavtube.com/video-converter-mac/
- Amazon Store Download: http://www.amazon.com/Pavtube-Video-Converter-Mac-Download/dp/B00QIBK0TQ
- Cnet Download: http://download.cnet.com/Pavtube-Video-Converter/3000-2194_4-76179460.html

Below is a step-to-step guide to convert TiVo to QuickTime movie files for creating DVD.

Step 1. Import TiVo to the program.

Click "File">"Add Video/Audio" to load your TiVo files. The first time you load your files, Pavtube will pop up this windows to remind you import your "Media Access Key" by click "Option" button.


Click "OK" to go to the next step , which your key is required to remove the copy protection.


Then your TiVo files will be loaded into this app , you can double click it to preview it in the preview window.


Tips: If you want, you can merge several Tivo clips by ticking "Merge into one file" box.


Step 2. Choose "Common Video> MOV-QuickTime(*.mov)" as the best video format for playing Tivo footage on QuickTime. To get higher quality, please click on "HD Video" tab and choose "HD MOV" format.


Optional - You can also click "Settings" to change the output video bitrate, frame rate, size, etc. all according to your needs.


Step 3. Start TiVo shows to QuickTime MOV conversion on Mac Mavericks.

When everything is done, click the "Convert" button at the bottom-right corner to finish the Tivo to QuickTime mov conversion on Mac.

With it smart Video Coverter for Windows/Mac software, you can also easily convert TiVo shows to MPEG, M4V, MP4, AVI, FLV, WMV, MKV, Apple ProRes, etc. formats for playig on portable media devices, media players, video editing software like iPad, iPhone, Apple TV, Android, Galaxy Tab 4, Galaxy S6, Surface, Windws Media Player, Xbox, FCP X, etc. for freely enjoyment.

Good News: Never miss to get Saving up to $44.1, MXF/MTS/M2TS/MKV/FLV/MOV Converter.etc at Pavtube Bundles Deals, such as: HD Video Converter for Mac($35) + DVD Creator for Mac($35) = $39.9, Save $30.1


More related tips:
How to Transfer MKV to Tivo from PC?
Upload Canon XC10 XF-AVC 4K MXF to YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook
Encode/Decode H.265 to MKV, MP4, AVI, MOV, WMV, FLV on Mac Yosemite
Can PS4 Accept and Play MKV Files?
Import Canon C100 Mark II AVCHD to Avid MC
Play H.265/HEVC Video on LG Ultra HD 4K TV/Samsung/Philip TV
Uploading GoPro MP4 Videos on YouTube
Convert DTS/DTS-HD/DTS-MA Audio to AC3 5.1/MP3/WAV/FLAC/AAC
Store VOB Files in NAS Server for playing on Plex
Stream MKV Files to Chromecast with Plex Server
How to convert YIFY Torrents for Plex Media Server?
Best Ways to Convert DSLR Videos to ProRes for KiPro Devices
How to Convert FLV to QuickTime for Playing?

Source: http://cameraworld.skyrock.com/3217750093-Convert-TiVo-to-QuickTime-movie-files-for-creating-DVD.html

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 21, 2015 7:45 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

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