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Age: 39
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:07 am  Post subject:  Transfer iphone 4S SMS/Contact to Mac and computer Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Do you have some trouble to deal with a lot of important SMS messages&Contacts when you SMS box is full?

Do you want to protect your messages&Contacts with a password to keep your privacy ?
Do you need to backup your sms&Contacts from your iphone to pc ?

lots of iPhone users have the same trouble. that is they can't backup the SMS to anywhere when the SMS box is full, then they have to delete all of them to prevent iPhone rejecting new SMS receiving. so here i introduce a useful tool, hope that it can help you.

Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS
With Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS, you can transfer the iPhone SMS to computer as a txt file or a ANTS file before the event above happens. Before the transfer, you can choose to transfer from all contacts or a single contact, further more, you can choose transfer the SMS to a TXT file or a ANTS file. In ANTS file condition, you can protect the file with a password to keep your privacy. From now on ANTS file support edit feature just the same operation process as the SMS edit on iPhone. If you want print iPhone SMS, you can choose MHT file format, then open the file by Internet Explorer, print it just like shown on iPhone!

Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS can provide you:
* Backup SMS in iPhone to computer before iPhone reject receiving new SMS.
* View and Manage old iPhone SMS in your computer.
* View SMS in Text file format (.txt file), ANTS file format (.ants file), MHT file format (.mht file)on PC.
* Password protection support (ANTS file only).
* Edit SMS (ANTS file only)
* Print SMS (MHT file print by IE).

derect download link: Tansee iPhone Transfer SMS.zip

Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact
With Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact, you can transfer the iPhone contact to computer as a txt file or ANTS file. Before the transfer, you can choose to transfer from a single contact or all contacts, You can choose transfer the contact to a TXT file or a ANTS file on PC. What’s more, you can protect the file with a password to keep your privacy.

Free down : Tansee iPhone Transfer Contact.zip

backup iphone 4s songs/videos/contacts/SMS/books to computer

Cucusoft iPhone Tool Kits is an easy to use utility designed to help you back up all your files on your iPhone, so that you can recover any lost or missing songs, videos, books, photos and so on.

Cucusoft iPhone Tool Kits can easily backup and transfer iPhone songs, videos, photos, SMS, call list, contacts and books(you purchased via iBook Store) to computer. And even enable your iPhone as a removable hard disk.

"iPhone Tools Kits" Transfer is a must-have utility to keep your iPhone safe if you have an iPhone. It supports iPad, iPod touch as well.
free down : Cucusoft iPhone Tool Kits.zip

Backup iphone 4S/iphone 4 SMS messages and Contact to mac
iMacsoft iPhone to Mac Transfer can help you transfer iPhone SMS to Mac to avoid missing of the valuable messages. And it can also help you copy Contact,Music, Video, Podcast, TV Show files from iPhone to Mac. more:


3herosoft iPhone SMS to Computer Transfer for Mac
3herosoft iPhone SMS to Computer Transfer for Mac can help you transfer iPhone SMS to Mac to avoid missing of the valuable messages. And it can also help you copy Music, Video, Podcast, TV Show files from iPhone to Mac.


Leo Gender:Male Buffalo OfflinePersonal Gallery of dvdriper2015View user's profileSend private messageVisit poster's websiteYahoo Messenger

Joined: 09 Nov 2011
Posts: 607

PostPosted: Sun Nov 20, 2011 9:43 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

The much-anticipated premiere of Game of Thrones aired Sunday night on HBO (read our official review of the pilot HERE). The series follows George R. R. Martin’s dense fantasy novel series very closely, game of thrones dvd meaning that it can be a real headache sorting through all the characters’ relations and allegiances.

   OfflinePersonal Gallery of dexterView user's profileSend private messageVisit poster's website

Age: 39
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Posts: 19

PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:26 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

hope it can help you

Leo Gender:Male Buffalo OfflinePersonal Gallery of dvdriper2015View user's profileSend private messageVisit poster's websiteYahoo Messenger

Age: 38
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Posts: 114

PostPosted: Mon Sep 23, 2013 9:25 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

A desktop application is an application that runs without the need of an internet connection. A web-based application, which includes any Side Guard software you log on to a web site to access, requires a fast, reliable internet connection.

Desktop software is generally much faster and easier to use than web-based software. If you do not have a very fast internet connection, it could take you several times longer to get the same amount of work done.

A desktop application, if backed-up regularly, is more secure and reliable than a web-based application. If your web connection goes down Count Sensor, or the company's website were to go down, or the company went out of business, you will no longer have access to your data if using web-based applications.

With desktop applications, you generally pay just once, and technical support is often included Flexible Spanner. With web-based applications you rent the software, paying monthly fees and often get only email support.

Taurus Gender:Male Tiger OfflinePersonal Gallery of conveyor01View user's profileSend private message

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 29, 2013 3:33 am  Post subject:  Convert iTunes M4V to Premiere Pro on Win/Mac Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

DRM Video Recorder: Convert iTunes M4V to Premiere Pro on Win/Mac

Description: A step-by-step guide to walk you through removing DRM protection from iTunes M4V and converting iTunes M4V to Premiere Pro on Windows/Mac with best video quality and perfect video/audio sync so that you can edit iTune M4V videos in Adobe Premiere Pro.

Do you have some M4V files that downloaded from iTunes Store and wonder how to import M4V files to Premiere Pro for editing or transfer them to your Tablet/Phone? Maybe you are emailed with a video that right in M4V format but you don’t know what to do to do with it?

Not only video players, but also editing programs do not appreciate this format. M4V is not supported natively on both Windows and Mac as well as NLEs, for instance, Adobe Premiere Pro.

What is M4V file?

M4V is the most common format used in iTunes videos for watching on Apple TV. However, videos purchased from iTunes store is protected by DRM so that you cannot playback them on any devices other than iDevices, nor edit in NLEs.

Moreover, M4V is also not a proper format for playback on tablets/phones like Galaxy Tab 3, Galaxy Note 3, Surface RT/Pro, Kindle Fire HD, Nexus 7(2013), Moto X, Sony Xperia Z1, HTC One, watch on PC or do precise editing in programs like Adobe Premiere Pro, FCP, iMovie, Avid Media Composer, Pinnacle, etc.; for that M4V files are highly compressed in MPEG-4 with not good video quality.

To remove DRM protection from iTunes M4V videos, or get better video quality and edit in Premiere Pro, the recommended solution is to remove DRM protection and then convert M4V to MPG/MOV/AVI/WMV that works with your Adobe Premiere Pro or devices (like: Blackberry, Nokia, HTC, and Palm Pre, etc.).

Here we would like to introduce this professional Pavtube DRM Removal software or Mac DRM Removal software, a powerful iTunes M4V converter software on both Windows and Mac. With it, you can easily remove DRM protection from iTunes video and encode them to various formats including AVI/MOV/WMV/MP4/MKV/MPG/FLV/F4V, etc.

Read more: Top 5 Best DRM Removal Programs Review

You can choose to download a free trial version of the DRM removal tool here:

Image Image

How to remove iTunes DRM and convert iTunes video to Adobe Premiere Pro

Step 1. Load M4V files to the DRM Removal Tool.

Get Pavtube DRM Removal Tool installed, drag and drop your iTunes M4V files to it directly.

Step 2. Choose output file format for editing or playing.

Adobe Premiere Pro supports FLV, F4V, MPEG-2, QuickTime, AVI file formats, Just click the drop-down list besides "Format" and choose "Adobe Premiere/Sony Vegas" -> "MPEG-2 (*.mpg)", "MOV (AVC)(*.mov)" or "WMV (VC-1) (*.wmv)"; You can also key in AVI in the search box to quick locate this profile.


And "Settings" button provides you more customize options like video size, bitrate, frame rate, sample rate(Hz) etc. for output files.

Step 3. Strat removing DRM protection from iTuens M4V.

Now you can click "Convert" button to start removeing DRM protection and converting iTunes M4V for editing or playing smoothly. Wait for moments, then click "Open" to locate the converted video.

Here are several tips during the conversion:

a). Please don't use iTunes during converting, or an error may occur.
b). It's highly recommended to use iTunes V10.5.0 or higher.
c). This product cannot convert unplayable iTunes files (damaged, unauthorized, etc).
d). The DRM removing process may mislead your anti-virus software to falsely report virus/worm. Please ignore the report to keep on ripping.

Now, you can follow this page to learn the Adobe Premiere Pro workflow: How to import media files to Premiere Pro?.

FYI: if you just want to convert unprotected M4V to MOV/WMV/MP4/MKV/MPG/FLV/F4V, Pavtube Video Converter is high recommended for good video quality and reliable workflow.

You may be interested in some Money-Saving Tips:

ChewTune ($29) + Blu-ray Video Converter Ultimate($65) = Only $75, Save $19
ChewTune for Mac($29) + iMedia Converter for Mac($65) = Only $75, Save $19
ByteCopy($42) + ChewTune($29) = Only $54, Save $17

Source: http://device-camcorder-tips.blogspot.com/2013/09/import-itunes-m4v-video-to-premiere-pro.html

   OfflinePersonal Gallery of HaileyLiView user's profileSend private message

Age: 36
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 12:21 am  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

if you just want to convert unprotected M4V to MOV/WMV/MP4/MKV/MPG/FLV/F4V you need a best mp4 player

Scorpio  Dragon OfflinePersonal Gallery of wangsoo219View user's profileSend private messageVisit poster's websiteAIM AddressYahoo MessengerMSN Messenger

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 10, 2013 11:37 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

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   OfflinePersonal Gallery of ouzhenyangView user's profileSend private messageSend e-mail

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 30, 2013 12:04 am  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

You may select one of the Bathroom Faucets finishes or ask for a blend of finishes. Those that have a wide range of finishes produce a unique try the bathroom along with give a contact of class.FaucetSuperDeal bathroom faucets are available using related atomizers that are installed on their own. They are often applied for over all cleaning of the eliminate or perhaps clean up after Kitchen Sink Faucets males for men and hair washing.

   OfflinePersonal Gallery of RolmmenView user's profileSend private messageVisit poster's website

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:55 pm  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Get Biggest Discount Blu-ray/DVD/Video Converter for Android/iOS Devices! Last Day!

Summary: Welcome to Pavtube Halloween Lowest Promotion 2013: Last Day! Get Free and Up to 30% off Blu-ray/DVD/Video Converter for convert Videos and Movies to your iPad Air, iPhone 5S/5C, Kindle Fire HDX, GHalaxy Note 3, Galaxy Tab 3, Sony Xperia Z1, Surface 2, Surface Pro 2 or more Android/iOS/Windows 8 tablets&phones at Pavtube Halloween Promotion!

Have you recorded lots of videos/movies of what happens with your camera, tablet, smartphone, etc.? Do you want a tool for joining/converting your multiple recording videos into only one while still retaining the original HD quality? Pavtube multimedia softwares can help you to deal any videos and movies for putting to your devices, sharing with your family and friends, or import to windows/mac video editing software(like FCP, iMovie, Avid, Premiere, Sony Vegas, etc.) for editing and then burning them to DVD, etc.

To make 2013 Halloween more enjoyable, Pavtube unveiled 2013 Halloween Crazy Promotion with special Halloween freebies and up to 30% off discounted Halloween movie assistants for both Windows and Mac users. If you are looking for a thrill that won't scare your bank account this Halloween, then the Halloween discount of Pavtube is the opportunity that shouldn't be missed.

Check out Pavtube special Halloween outlet for Free & Up to 30% off Spooktacular bargains!

Starting October 24th and till November 6th.


Within this Halloween Promotion, any person can get Free or 30% off discount software products, like:

Pavtube DVD Ripper Windows/Mac as free Halloween freebie;
Pavtube Video DVD Converter Ultimate as free Halloween freebie;
Up to 30% off discounts on Pavtube's top sellers;
Up to 20% off discounts on Pavtube's top sellers;

Above products helps users make special Halloween moments last forever in aspects below:

-Convert and Share Halloween Videos with Pavtube Video converter series

On Halloween evening, most parents will use their cameras/tablets/phones to memorialize how much fun their kids have in trick-or-treating, record the special moments with your scariest Halloween costumes and the Halloween special food with your family and friends. It's unforgettable happy time and worth keeping in memory forever.

But how to convert and share your videos with others? Would it be perfect if the videos can be edited as you want before share with others, like adding some text in the video or crop the content you don't want to be shown, etc, then our products Free Video DVD Converter Ultimate, 20% off Video Converter Windows/Mac, 20% off Video Converter Ultimate, 20% off iMedia Converter for Mac will help you so that you can via DVD maker, Final Cut Pro (X), iMovie, Adobe Premiere Pro, Avid Media Composer, After Effects, FCE 4, Sony Vegas, Windows Movie Maker, etc. before shared with your friends. Isn't it terrific if these special moments to be recorded with your own remarks in text in your video and played like iPhone 5S, iPhone 5C, iPhone 5, iPad Mini 2, iPad Air, Kindle Fire HDX, Surface RT/Pro, Surface 2, Samsung Galaxy Tab 3, Galaxy Note 3, Sony Xperia Z1, Nexus 7 2, Moto X, etc. for memorable moments again during your boring trip or even when your kids are grown up?

-Backup Halloween movies for playback at ease only with remote control and display screen needed, and of course a Sofa as well with Pavtube Blu-ray and DVD Ripper or Converter.

During Halloween holiday, you won't miss horror films, like Sinister, or your horror films collections. But is it painstaking if to get up from Sofa and look for the preferred disc from hills of discs one by one? Then Pavtube Blu-ray/DVD/Video Converter series will help users out of the trouble. Users only need to sit on the sofa with remote control in hand, then next disc or chapters will appear by only several clicks.

Free Products:

Free DVD Ripper Windows/Mac - Help you convert any DVDs to MOV, MKV, AVI, MPG, VOB, WMV, FLV, etc with fast speed. It also helps edit DVD and add SRT/ASS/SSA subtitles to DVD movies.

Free Video DVD Converter Ultimate - Convert any video (including TiVo) and DVD to MOV, MKV, MPG, AVI without problem. Same editing as retail version.

30% OFF Discount:

Blu-ray Ripper Windows/Mac – only $34.3 for Pavtube's best seller Blu-ray Ripper which rips Blu-ray and DVD to PC, Mac, iPhone 5S/5C/5, iPad Air, iPad 3, iPods, Applel TVs, all Android and Windows 8 tablets/phones, etc. With it, you can easily backup Blu-ray/DVD with original structure to computer hard drive, no content or video quality loss. Added 3D profiles in Format menu. (Side-by-Side, Top-Bottom, or Anaglyph 3D in MKV/MP4/MOV/WMV/AVI)

DVD Ripper - $24.5 for user-friendly DVD converter to copy and rip DVD (ISO/IFO) to multiple video and audio formats for different usage.

20% OFF Discount:

Video Converter Ultimate / iMedia Converter for Mac - $52 spent on this all-in-one program to help you backup Blu-ray/DVD with original structure and convert Blu-ray, DVD and regular videos for hot tablets and smartphones. Moreover, 3D Side-by-Side MKV back up is available in Pavtube Video Converter Ultimate to ensure the 3D effect preservation for 3D projector and 3D HDTV.

Video Converter Windows/Mac - $28 available for everyone to transcode virtually all video and audio types, camcorder HD footages and TiVo recordings to desired video/audio format.

More information about Pavtube software is available at Pavtube official site: www.pavtube.com

Source: http://open-media-community.com/2013/10/30/2013-halloween-giveaway-and-crazy-promotion/

   OfflinePersonal Gallery of HaileyLiView user's profileSend private message

Age: 36
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 07, 2013 12:17 am  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Digital displays have the potential to grow from one office or department into a company wide information network, spanning all departments such as staff rooms, sales floors, warehouses, show rooms and manufacturing areas. If a business simply wanted to use a single screen as a plug and play video audio equipment many of the advantages would remain over traditional methods, and if necessary could later be upgraded into a Digital Signage network.

Scorpio  Dragon OfflinePersonal Gallery of wangsoo219View user's profileSend private messageVisit poster's websiteAIM AddressYahoo MessengerMSN Messenger

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 08, 2013 1:58 am  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Thanksgiving Coupons & Sales 2013: Free, Only $9.9 and Buy one Get one free

Tag: Thanksgiving Special Offer, Thanksgiving Promotion 2013, Thanksgiving Coupon Code, Thanksgiving Giveaway 2013, Best Thanksgiving Gifts, Thanksgiving Buy One Get One Free, Thanksgiving Coupons & Sales 2013, Free Thanksgiving Hottest Gifts, Thanksgiving Promotion Discount, Special Offer

Description: Pavtube 2013 Thanksgiving Day Software Promotion is available now. Free apps and up to 66% off is provided from Pavtube Studio to express the appreciation and gratitude for registered and potential customers on the coming Thanksgiving Day 2013.

The annual traditional Thanksgiving Day is coming, and it's time to show our gratitude to our mom, family members, and friends. How will you celebrate this sweet moment with your family and what will you do to thank your mom for giving birth to you? Stay at home and spend more time with her while watch her favorite movie together, enjoy a delicious dinner and tell her everything at work, plan a short trip and have her relaxed at weekend? Whatever you have decided to do on Thanksgiving Day, Pavtube is a great helper to make it work. Pavtube Studio, a professional multimedia software provider, is dedicated to bring you personal audio-visual feast of digital world and brighten your digital life. Great News, Pavtube Studio is now offering FREE apps and UP to 66% off promotion on Pavtube best sellers (both Windows and Mac versions are available) for you to celebrate the coming Thanksgiving Day from November 6, 2013 to December 10, 2013.


Part 1. Thanksgiving Best Sellers - 20% ~ 30% off

1. Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper - $34.3 (original $49)
Highlights: full disc copy; Directly Copy only main movie; rip any Blu-ray/DVD to various formats

2. Pavtube DVD Ripper - $24.5 (original $35)
Highlights: convert standard DVDs to MP4, MKV, AVI, MPEG, MOV, M4V for smartphones, tablets, HD media players and more

3. Pavtube Video Converter - $28 (original $35)
Highlights: transcode videos to virtually any video/audio format for editing and playback

4. Pavtube Video Converter Ultimate - $52 (original $65)
Highlights: combination of a Blu-ray ripper, a DVD ripper and a Video converter to meet your needs for Blu-ray, DVD and video conversion

Part 2. Thanksgiving Giveaway - Free Softwares

1. Pavtube Free DVD Ripper - a fun, easy and fabulous way to rip DVDs to various video formats with fast speed. Support adding SRT, ASS, SSA subtitles.

2. Pavtube Free Video DVD Converter Ultimate - provides with full Blu-ray, DVD and video solutions for your ultimate multimedia entertainment needs.

Part 3. Buy One Get One Free

1. Buy MTS/M2TS Converter – handle AVCHD MTS/M2TS footages in an easy way
Free Get FLV/F4V Converter - convert any YouTube or Hulu videos (FLV/F4V) for portable devices

2. Bug MXF Converter - encode MXF clips for editing and playback
Free Get MKV Converter – convert MKV media contents to Android, Windows and iOS devices

3. Bug HD Video Converter - get your camera videos and TiVo recordings onto editors and players
Free Get DVD Creator - burn any kind of video sources to playable DVD

Part 4. Thanksgiving Hot Deals - Only $9.9

1. Pavtube MKV Converter - select wanted subs/audio/video track from MKV to be kept in the output files
2. Pavtube FLV/F4V Converter – convert, trim, crop FLV or F4V to other formats
3. Pavtube TOD Converter - fast convert, compress, and edit TODs from JVC camcorders for any portable devices
4. Pavtube MOD Converter – stream, convert and edit MOD recordings shot by camcorders(JVC, Panasonic, Sony)

Sharing at your Facebook page - Get more discount

1. 20% off ByteCopy (Windows/Mac)
2. 20% off MXF MultiMixer
3. 20% off iMixMXF

Click "Share on Facebook" button, insert "#PavtubeThanks2013", choose "Public", and click "Share Link". You will get another 20% coupon. The discounted link will be sent to your Facebook "Inbox" or "Other" within 24 hours on work days.

If don't receive message from strangers, please don't forget to contact us for the discounted link via faq@pavtube.com.

More Pavtube Thanksgiving Special Deals are available on Pavtube Thanksgiving page. Share this activity at your Facebook page and more discounts you can get.

Learn more: Pavtube Unveiled 2013 Thanksgiving Day Promotion with Giveaway and Huge Discounts!

   OfflinePersonal Gallery of HaileyLiView user's profileSend private message

Joined: 17 Jun 2013
Posts: 14

PostPosted: Mon Nov 11, 2013 3:11 am  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Flash Videos, or FLVs, are designed to play in a Flash Player or web browser plug-in. FLV format is also one of the most common video formats on the Internet. Video-sharing websites like YouTube encode their media as FLVs. MP4 files (H.264/MPEG-4 AVC) are compatible in a much wider variety of programs, cell phones and portable media devices such as the iPod, Zune and PS3.
What is the best way to make the FLV videos fit your MP4 players? Want to convert YouTube downloaded FLV videos to MP4 and watch them on your own device? Once with FLV to MP4 Converter, converting FLV to MP4 video has never been easier.
You might have some .FLV files in your media collection and want to play them on a Apple product. but the device can't support FLV files. In that case, you can convert FLV to MP4 for Mac. On the other hand, if you want to upload a MP4 video and distribute on a YouTube-like website, you'll probably need to compress it to make it more small size, then you can convert MP4 to FLV on Mac.
According to the different requirement of target device, you can freely adjust the output parameters to make target MP4 videos right for your device, e.g. split/trim file, compress file size, set the resolution, bit rate, frame rate and more.
let's convert FLV to MP4 file on Mac OS X
Lauch the app, you'll be presented with a empty window that serves as a drop target for video files.
Step 1: Import FLV videos
Click "Add Files" button to open the file browser window and import .FLV files. Or drag the target FLV files into the Mac FLV to MP4 converter. In the main panel, you can delete one or more files as you like and preview your files before conversion.
Step 2: Set MP4 as the output format
There is a drop-down menu named "Output Format", where you'll choose what format the resulting file will be in. Just click it to open the pane and then select MP4 as output format. H.264 and MPEG-4 video codec are supported. If you have a specific device you want to play the video on, then select your device from the "Preset" drop-down menu on the left side, this FLV to MP4 app will adjust the conversion settings appropriately.
Note: For converting for a device that "Presets" list have not, please follow your device's user manual for the correct supported resolution, and set it manually (if needed) before the conversion.You are offered some useful edit functions to edit the FLV files in this program such as trim, crop, effects, watermark. Get more details please click here.
Step 3: Start Converting FLV to MP4 format on Mac
Alright, you can simply press the "Start" button on the menu at the top to begin encoding .FLV to .MP4. This will encode your current job, and also work through any items sitting on the Queue. Wait for the encode to finish. Conversion will take a bit of time, vary depending on the size of the file and your system specs.
You can benefit from using this Mac app to make your FLV files work on: FLV to WMV, FLV to iPhone, FLV to iPad, FLV to iPod, FLV to Apple, FLV to Quicktime, FLV to Apple TV, FLV to iTunes, FLV to Final Cut Pro, FLV to Sony Vegas Pro, FLV to Windows Movie Maker, FLV to Xbox 360, FLV to PS3, etc.

   OfflinePersonal Gallery of jimsanna11View user's profileSend private messageVisit poster's website

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 2:46 am  Post subject:  How to Send Message from PC Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Today, touch phones is popular, many people are complaining about the phone's screen is too small, especially the digital screen typing is slow. Many people are too lazy to type and chose to return phone calls convenient, but long-distance telephone calls are expensive. If you can, as fast response on the computer on the convenience. This is not a fairy tale, we need to install a kind of software canlled android file management.
It can support all of android band, including Samsung, HTC, LG, Blackberry, etc. Besides, with the similar steps copy music, photos, podcasts, TV shows, etc. to computer instantly and painlessl
We need to preparing these tool:
1. your computer and phone
2. a software and cable (or WIFI)
How to send text from android to PC

Step 1: Contact Andriod to PC and install the tool
To get started, download and install this program on your PC. The program will automatically detect your device and display it. After finishing the installation, you ought to run it. Connect your phone to your PC via a USB cable or via Wi-Fi.

Step 2: Select Text you want to transfer from Andriod to new computer, then click the Export button. Start to transfer.

Step 3: Click Export button then choose Export to Disk. Then click the OK button.

Step 4: Click the OK button to start transferring text from Andriod to PC, that's all.

Now, you have transfered your text from Andriod to computer, isnit it seems too easy?

Someone will worried about whether backup text by this software would damage the format? Such fears are overblown. The text without loss quality after backup from Andriod. We can also use this tool to manage our inbox, delete or edit messages as you like. You can choose to send the same message to multiple people, support bulk SMS.

   OfflinePersonal Gallery of SuanlafenView user's profileSend private message

Joined: 26 Aug 2013
Posts: 543

PostPosted: Wed Nov 20, 2013 3:41 am  Post subject:  (No subject) Reply with quoteBottom of PageBack to top

Pavtube Upgrade: Support Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks in Blu-ray/DVD/Video Converter

Summary: Pavtube updates made Blu-ray/DVD/Video Converter compatible with Apple iPad Air, iPhone 5S & 5C, featuring 2013 Pavtube Thanksgiving Holiday with special discount.

Pavtube Software Upgrades with iPad Air, iPhone 5S/5C, Mac OS X 10.9 Mavericks Supported

Pavtube will launch thanksgiving promotion for free and up to 66% discount for most of the product lines for 2013 Thanksgiving Holiday. “Share on Facebook to get 20% additional discount” is available as well for this Thanksgiving Promotion . Details login http://www.pavtube.com/thanksgiving-giveaway-2013.html. The good news is all related products in the treat support all mainstream portable devices and editing program, including newly released iPad Air, iPhone 5S&5C.

The update means the movies fans and video-edit-lovers can watch even the unfriendly Apple HD video, BD or DVD collections on the go with iPhone 5 and iPad Air, but need Blu-ray/DVD/Video converter for conversion first, as input support format is limited and no BD/DVD drive on iPhone 5S/5C or iPad Air. With the help of Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper, DVD Ripper, Video Converter, Video Converter Ultimate, Pavtube ByteCopy etc, users are able to get fast access to watch HD movies and videos on the wide screen of iPhone 5S/5C and iPad Air with the optimized settings so that high quality audio visual feat for specific Apple product can be experienced.

Note: Please download a patch file before running the software, profile patch download page: pavtube.com/profile-patch.html

Summary of main related products for the update:

Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper for Win/Mac: 30% off

* An one-step tool: BD/DVD protection removal+BD/DVD Ripper +3D effect output
No need extra cost to buy separate program for protection removal, as it includes this function already. Users are free to preset specific 3D types if they want output videos to be played on 3D player.
* It also applied to other Pavtube product, like Pavtube ByteCopy, MXF MultiMixer/iMixer for Mac, MTS/M2TS Converter for Win/Mac, Video Converter Ultimate/iMedia Converter for Mac.

Pavtube ByteCopy for Win/Mac: 20% discount

* Similar as Pavtube Blu-ray Ripper, however it also has its own distinctive features: Output format supports specific HD Media Player like Seagate FreeAgent Theater+, Netgear NeoTV/LaCinema Classic HD, WD TV, Popcorn Hour C-200/A-200/A-210, Iomega ScreenPlay MX HD Media Player, HDTV etc, audio/video; All the desired audio and subs tracks can be retained in the output file .mkv/.mp4/.mov.; the chapter marker can be retained for fast access to exact chapter you want instead of fast forwarding or rewinding slowly and blindly.

Pavtube Video Converter Ultimate/iMedia Converter for Mac: 20% off

* An overall tool: BD/DVD Ripper+video converter+3D effect output.
* Users can backup Blu-ray/DVD movies, convert disc content and transcode common videos. It could 1:1 back up blu-ray/DVD moives from disc to PC hard drive for disc burning and ISO image creating.

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hope it can help you

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