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[Tips]transfer iTunes movies to android tablets
Many digital superman have both apple products and android products. Maybe you are one of them. As a apple user, you may often purchase movies from iTunes. People take it for granted that they have the full access and control of the things they purchased, but things turn to be different when it comes to movies purchased form iTunes Store. These movies have special DRM protection, that’s to say, though you had took money to purchase them, you still can’t play iTunes movies on your android tabletssmoothly.
To have the full control of your purchased iTunes videos, movies, and TV shows, you need professional DRM removal tool. With this tool, you are able to convert iTunes DRM-protected contents to DRM-free videos. Here is a step-by-step guide to show you how to transfer iTunes movies to android tablets.
First of all, you need download and install the iTunes to android converter on your computer. After that, change some iTunes options. As follows:
1. Start up iTunes, and switch to “Movies” under LIBRARY.
2. Select the movies you’d like to convert, right click and select “Get Info”.
3. In the “Multiple Item Information” window, switch to “Options” tab, find “Remember position” and select “No” from its drop-down list. Click “OK”.
Now, you can remove DRM protection from iTunes movies, just follow the below guide to use the tool.
1. Run this iTunes DRM to Android tablets converter, click “Add” button on the main interface to import iTunes movies, or you may drag and drop the movies from iTunes Movie Library to the software.
2. Choose output format. According to my own experience, h.264 mp4 is a pretty good format for most tablets, like iPad, Galaxy Tab, PlayBook, Xoom, Iconia Tab, HP TouchPad, Eee Pad Transformer, HTC Flyer and more. So i suggest you selecting ” Common Video>> H.264 Video (*.mp4) “.
Tips: By clicking “settings”, you can make some adjustments by yourself, such as bitrate, frame rate, sample rate, resolution, audio etc. To get the best playback of your tablet.
3. Click “Convert” to start. The conversion proceeds as iTunes plays the movies. So DO NOT turn off iTunes until the conversion is completed.
After you get the converted movie, transfer it to your android tablet via USB cable, then, you can watch iTunes movies on android tablets as you like.