General Discussion - How Does An Endodontic Dentist In Victoria Bc Treat Nerve Pa dannyabel - Mon Jan 14, 2013 12:12 am Post subject: How Does An Endodontic Dentist In Victoria Bc Treat Nerve Pa
How Does An Endodontic Dentist In Victoria Bc Treat Nerve Pain?
When tooth pain affects your oral health, you need to find dental equipment and receive specialized care from an endodontic dentist in Victoria BC. Tooth decay can affect other areas of your mouth specifically those you cannot see. This guide to endodontics explains the reasons why pain develops in your nerves and how the dentist treats it.
The pulp contains nerves, blood vessels and lymph vessels that nourish your teeth. The nerves exist in the teeth roots and receive stimuli from what enters dental instruments your mouth. They can be overly sensitive to hot or cold items, like ice cream or coffee. Only live nerves react to stimuli, but things like infection and decay can damage or destroy them. You may not notice the difference between hot or cold if this happens.
Bad cavities that reach the pulp may endanger your nerves or cause them to die. The decay actually inflames the tissue, which produces swelling and pain in your gums, face or jaw. If the decay is not treated, the nerve dies. Dead nerves contribute to abscesses that develop at the ends of teeth roots. Abscesses are pockets of infection that form on dental handpiece the outside of the root tips near the bone. The bacteria from the infection travel back up into the root canals to eat the dead nerves. Once the dentist in Victoria BC removes the dead nerves and pulp, the infection typically subsides and the bone beneath the tooth heals.
If the infection and abscess is not removed, the bone becomes compromised. Just like your teeth, your jawbone contains nerves. These nerves are numerous and supply pain signals throughout your head. Infection that reaches the bone can mimic tooth pain. For instance, you dental lab equipment may experience excruciating pain when you bite down. You may even have pain without bite pressure. This is possible because the nerves in the bone may swell from infection. It is not the tooth that has the infection, but the bone itself.
What Is Root Canal Therapy?
Root canal therapy removes dead nerves, blood vessels and other tissues in teeth. An endodontic dentist in Victoria BC cleans the pulp chamber with special surgical tools. These tools pull out the infected pulp so that the dentist can reach the root canals. Root canals are similar to tiny hallways. They begin somewhere near the middle of the pulp chamber and end at the bone of air syringe the jaw. At the end of the roots are tips. The tips typically form the abscesses, as they allow bacteria to settle and survive.