General Discussion - Some Details on HTML5 jxqlovedzq - Tue Sep 04, 2012 10:24 pm Post subject: Some Details on HTML5
HTML5 is a standard HTML version used to replace HTML4.01and XHTML1.0, which are developed in 1999. HTML5 is now on the stage of developing. Its purpose is to change the fact that some browsers need plug-in-based rich internet application (RIA), such as Adobe Flash, Microsoft Silverlight and Oracle JavaFX. HTML5 has new many functions, even it can change the HTML’s code but you need some special scripts, like: DOM ect. Some browsers supporting HTML5 must be more flexible when they deal with HTML’ code error, while the browsers not supporting HTML5 will ignore HTML’s code.
HTML5 introduces some new element and property. Some adopt traditionally semantic version, such as footer and nav that replace div. There are also some new element, such as audio and video. Some element not used in HTML will be abandoned, such as font and center. The new elements includes: article, aside, audio, canvas, command, details, datalist, dialog, embed, figure footer, header hgroupm, heygen, markm meter, nav, output, progress, ro, rt, ruby, section, source, time, video. These new marks can make your HTML document easier to be loaded. It also make search engine more easily to grasp important information.
Web world has been accustomed to all kinds of plug-in and API. HTML5 brings both convenience and inconvenience to developers and designers of Web. But how does HTML5 coexist with popular technology?
HTML5 and Flash
Many developers’ abusing of flash always causes the slow loading of webpage. However, HTML5 can solve the problem. Mac users may get more benefits from HTML5 because APPLE does not support flash. Some tests have been made by Mike Chambers. The results show that the program of flash on Windows is better than that on Mac, and this dependent upon the browsers you choose. For the videos and games, flash is the better choice, but for the videos are not very complicated, HTML5 is the better choice. But if we convert flash (swf) to other videos with small sizes, flash videos will be played on Mac easily. And swf video converter mac can do that. It can convert swf to avi. It also converts swf to iphone. And it can convert swf to jpg. It can be swf to ipad converter.
HTML5 and IE9
IE9 often announce its compatibility to HTML5 and it is indeed a good browser that can support HTML5, because IE9 adopt Windows’ modern figures API and accelerator card of PC’s figures to output words and figures.