iPhone Accessories - While I love my pet, there linghrensheng - Tue Jun 26, 2012 9:46 pm Post subject: While I love my pet, there
The tongue slicked out again, this time catching me with Jordan Heels my mouth open. While I love my pet, there are times I wish he were... smaller. Times like this... and when I have to clean out his litter box.
"You want I should lean on the dragon for you, Boss?"
I looked around and discovered Nunzio sitting on one of the garden benches.
"Oh. Hi, Nunzio. What are you doing here? I thought you and Guido usually made yourself scarce when I was exercising Gleep."
"That's Ugg boots clearance usually," the bodyguard shrugged. "My cousin and me, we talked it over and decided with this Ax fella on the loose that one of us should stick with you all the time, know what I mean? Right now it's my shift, and I'll be hangin' tight... no matter what you're doin'."
"I appreciate that, but I don't think there's any danger of getting hit here. I already decided not to take Gleep outside Chanel Bags until the coast is clear. No sense tempting fate."
That was at least partially true. What I had really decided was that I didn't want to give the Ax a chance to strike at me through my pet. Aahz already complained enough about having a dragon in residence without adding fuel to the fire. Of course, if my suspicions were correct and Bunny was the Ax...
"Better safe than sorry... and you didn't answer UGG Boots Clearance my question. You want I should lean on the dragon?"
Sometimes the logic of bodyguards eluded me completely.
"No. I mean, why should you lean on Gleep? You look comfortable where you are."
Nunzio rolled his eyes. "I don't mean 'lean on him' like really lean on him. I mean, do you want me to bend him a little? You know, rough him up some. I stay outta things between you and your partner, but Cheap Louis Vuitton Bags you shouldn't have to put up with that kind of guff from a dragon."
"He's just being friendly."
"Friendly, schmendly. From what I've seen, you're in more danger from getting knocked off by your own pet than by anyone else I've seen at the Bazaar. All I've ever asked is that you let me do my job... I am supposed to be guardin' your body, ya' know. That's how my position got its lofty Jordan Heels title."
Not for the first time, I was impressed by Nunzio's total devotion to his work. For a moment I was tempted to let him do what he wanted. At the last minute, though, an image flashed through my mind of my outsized bodyguard and my dragon going at it hammer and tongs in the middle of the garden. ivy00135 - Thu Nov 08, 2012 2:28 am Post subject: 鴨肉珍 大溝頂阿囉哈滷味 阿英排骨飯 高雄北港蔡米糕 郭家肉粽 高雄酒店經紀 吳寶春麵包店 老莊豆漿店 逐鹿炭火燒肉打狗店 大牛牛肉麵 福記臭豆腐專賣店 東坡鮮肉飯 成男生碗稞肉粽 鳳邑麵線 鳳山鹹米苔目店 鳳山老店水煎包 倆伯羊肉 生源小籠包 志明花生糖專賣店 李家肉圓 高雄酒店經紀 南台春捲浮水魚羹 旗津萬三小吃部 旗津萬二小吃部 北平楊寶寶蒸餃 慶翔美食部二仙雞 橋仔頭黃家肉燥飯 舊市羊肉店 古早味燒餅 丹丹漢堡 赤竹饅頭 牛老二牛肉麵 香港發財燒臘店 尖沙咀茶餐廳 珍竹林日本拉麵 萬國牛排 忽必烈蒙古烤肉 櫥窗滷味 彭氏臭豆腐 酥炸大魷魚 劉木瓜牛奶大王 月亮蝦餅 池王臭臭鍋 廟口翰鹽水雞