iPhone Accessories - Love my Ping G20 Driver Lilian1 - Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:19 pm Post subject: Love my Ping G20 Driver
When the G20 first arrived to THP I couldn’t wait to open the box. For a company that doesn’t saturate you with marketing, PING managed to provide some subtle buzz leading up to this club’s release and once I opened the box I saw that the subtle buzz was well justified. Holding the G20 in your hand makes you just stare at the club in wonderment.XXIO MP600 Driver You notice a powerful yet elegant shape made of titanium that just wants you to unleash it on some poor unsuspecting golf ball. Sure the profile is large and slightly elongated (460cc) but it’s not huge where you feel like you’re swinging a small SUV on a stick. When you first waggle the club you feel that the balance and weighting is perfect which is due to the shaft being weighted slightly above its center while maintaining the feel and weight of the club head. Although the external weight has been moved from the heel to the back of the club you barely notice it at address. I’ll touch on the shaft a little later but in terms of looks it’s very similar to what was offered last year in the G15 and the K15 and meshes well with the overall look of the G20.Now about that shaft. XXIO MP600 Fers The TFC 169D is a soft tipped shaft that is almost 46” long (45.75 to be precise) but there’s something different about it this year compared to last year’s stock offering found in the G15 and K15. That difference is the addition of some weight above the center point of the shaft.
You may not notice it unless you’re looking for it but I noticed this difference and it didn’t feel overly heavy. In fact it almost felt like a fulcrum for the club when you slowly swing it so I can see how this weighting is designed to help swing the club. The Tour version of the shaft that is also available has a slightly stiffer tip which will launch the ball a little lower with even less spin and will weigh about 6-9g more depending on what flex option you go with.TaylorMade Burner 2.0 Fers The G20 I received from PING for testing had a 9.5* loft and a stiff flex shaft (58g) and it was tested in almost every condition possible. Sunny, dry, wet, overcast, breezy, and cool all got their turn at interacting with the G20 so I think as far as elements go, this driver was exposed to everything but rain. It did experience some sprinkles but with the wet conditions that have been a part of NE weather the past few weeks it may have well been in rain-like conditions. ivy00135 - Thu Nov 08, 2012 4:14 am Post subject: 岡山中山夜市 鳳山青年夜市 國民市場(青年市場)夜市 六合夜市烤肉之家 六合夜市度小月擔仔麵 六合夜市海產粥 六合夜市第一家鹹酥雞 六合夜市東山鴨頭 六合夜市台南鹽水意麵 六合夜市鱔魚意麵 六合夜市鄭老牌木瓜牛奶 六合夜市老江紅茶牛奶 六合夜市現烤烏魚子 高雄酒店經紀 口福黑輪 品元冷飲工坊 三牛牛肉麵 劉家酸白菜火鍋 汾陽餛飩店 渡船頭海之冰 阿榮海鮮鵝肉 八卦海產店 老四川巴蜀麻辣燙 陳家鹽水鴨 黑仕香腸 江豪記臭豆腐王 高雄酒店經紀 廖家黑輪 上海生煎湯包 成家鴨肉麵 新大港香腸 昭明台式海產店 郭家肉燥飯 香味海產粥臭豆腐 興隆居湯包燒餅 武藏無煙日式燒肉 高雄酒店經紀 金城鴨肉 冬粉王 米糕城 阿財雞絲麵 大胖碳烤三明治 老爹爹泰式料理 高雄婆婆冰