Off-topic - How to Compare the Advantages between SWF and FLV? jamesbond007 - Mon Apr 16, 2012 9:12 pm Post subject: How to Compare the Advantages between SWF and FLV?
SWF(shock wave flash) is a special format of Macromedia’s animation design software Flash, which is an animation file format that supports vector and bitmap graphics. It is widely used in the field of web design and animation. Swf files are also called the Flash files. The penetration of swf is very high nowadays since more than 99% of Internet users could read swf files. For example, many of us have tried browser games, which has used the technology of SWF.
To be honest, swf is not as popular as flv. Flv and swf are relatives to some extent since flv is also originally developed by Macromedia. Both of them have their superiorities. But we stand on the position of most users’, we can conclude that flv has incomparable advantages. Flv technology is widely used in the field of online video websites, such as You Tube, Youku, Tudou and so on.. The advantages such as lower CPU usage, better video quality and smaller size are second to none at the moment.