Next we check in on Robb, who is having Theon shoot down all the ravens that are sent from the Twins (which look awesome by the way). They talk about the need to cross the bridge. Cat volunteers to go bargain with Lord Frey for passage. Cat arrives before Lord Frey who is surrounded by his sons and daughters. Frey is just as creepy (and honor-less) here as he is in the book.thrones
Back at the Wall, Jon meets with Commander Mormont who, as a thank you for saving his life, gives him his family’s sword, Longclaw. And some more good news, he has sent Jon’s archenemy Alliser Thorne to King’s Landing. But before Jon gets too excited he gets some bad news from Sam, Robb has rallied his forces and is marching south to war.
Speaking of Robb, Catelyn has returned from meeting with Lord Frey and has some good news and bad news of her own. Good news: Robb and his army can cross the bridge. Bad news: he has to marry a Frey girl once the fighting is done. Theon thinks it is funny, Robb doesn’t. But he agrees and they
Back to the Wall, Jon is acting all emo about not being able to join Robb in his war. Maester Aemon tells him that duty can be a bitch. He knows, because he is a Targaryen and should have been king but had to sit back as his whole family was ofwts30286 - Fri Nov 09, 2012 12:55 am Post subject: 星座運勢2013 星座配對2013 牡羊座2013年星座運勢 金牛座2013年星座運勢 雙子座2013年星座運勢 巨蟹座2013年星座運勢 獅子座2013年星座運勢 處女座2013年星座運勢 天秤座2013年星座運勢 天蠍座2013年星座運勢 射手座2013年星座運勢 魔羯座2013年星座運勢 水瓶座2013年星座運勢 雙魚座2013年星座運勢 酒店小姐 醫美中心診所 割雙眼皮 高雄酒店經紀 保濕 高雄醫美 台北醫美 台中醫美 美白 高雄微整形 抽脂 隆鼻 高雄酒店經紀 飯局小姐 星座配對 高雄酒店經紀 威尼斯酒店 高雄酒店經紀 酒店上班 高雄酒店 高雄酒店 高雄酒店 酒店經紀 酒店經紀 酒店小姐 高雄便服店 酒店工作 鋼琴酒吧 高雄酒店 高雄便服店