General Discussion - Long diablo irons are you looking for? Lilian1 - Mon Dec 26, 2011 6:10 pm Post subject: Long diablo irons are you looking for?
Many high handicap golfers have trouble hitting long iron shots. They have seen Tiger Woods, Ernie Els, etc on TV hitting high towering long Callaway Diablo Edge Irons shots using a three or four iron. But when they try to do the same, they can't because they can't create the power and the spin necessary to get the ball up in the air. If you have a three or four iron in your hand which you are using off the tee or off the fairway, expect the thing to go low. So don't try and hit it high! Most golfers over a mid-teen handicap probably should not have a three and four iron in their bag. You should use fairway woods which are much easier clubs to hit, with a lower centre of gravity. High handicap golfers should not be using diablo edge if they are still struggling with long iron shots. Having said that, a long iron such as 2 iron is sometimes needed to hit shots long and low when a higher-numbered wood won't do the job as effectively.
To hit long diablo irons shots effectively under such circumstances, the following steps should be considered: 1) 2 iron could cover a distance of between 180 and 200 yards, making it a club primarily used for a second shot on extremely long holes i.e. mostly par 5s. Make sure you practice with it on the driving range to gauge the distance and accuracy within your capability. 2) Set up properly. Unlike when hitting a driver, you will guarantee a solid strike that hits the ball low heading towards the green. If you position the ball just inside your left heel, the ball would be lifted. 3) You want to attack the ball with the club head coming from inside the target line. A shallow arc also allows you to sweep the ball with your long irons as opposed to the steep swing you use with the shorter edge irons to hit down and through the ball. To get your Best Golf Instruction, please go here to know more now. wts30286 - Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:05 pm Post subject: 383酒店 依林酒店 金璁酒店 凱渥酒店 金湯池酒店(首席) 皇家翡翠酒店 君悅酒店 金將酒店 高盛酒店(鴻海) 心悅酒店(26會所) 巴黎情人酒店(格調、春天) 帝豪商務會館(鑽石帝國) 寶格麗酒店(后宮) 美麗佳人酒店(東方情人) 台北夜店 酒店 台北酒店經紀 出國工作 酒店上班 女服務生 業績幹部 公主 常董 飯局小姐 牡羊座 金牛座 雙子座 巨蟹座 獅子座 處女座 天秤座 天蠍座 射手座 暑期打工 高雄酒店經紀 魔羯座 暑期打工 台南酒店經紀 水瓶座 暑期打工 雙魚座 12星座 星座血型 13星座蛇夫座 星座配對