General Discussion - a tablet designed for elders (4) andynoruy - Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:09 pm Post subject: a tablet designed for elders (4)
a tablet designed for elders (4)
Here's a product you don't see every day: a tablet designed specifically for senior citizens -- albeit with rather limited functionality. NextBook Next3 The Memo Touch is designed as a reminder tool for those who struggle with short-term memory loss, and can be used to deliver gentle cues when its time to take a medication, go to the doctor and the like. It's collaborative, Dropad A8X , as family members may add calendar events, phone numbers and to-do items, or even share photos and personalized messages, Haipad M8 all from the product's companion website. Based on the Archos 101, the Memo Touch sells for $299 and requires a six-month ( DVC P10 ) or 12-month ($300) subscription. For those who don't take to the new-fangled gadget, the tablet carries a three month return policy, where purchasers may opt to receive a refund or have the tablet restored to its Android roots. Haipad M7 , it's one more way of keeping that rascally parent under your thumb, anyway. Overbearing children will find a full press release after the break. Dropad A9N starzmart okbang - Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:32 pm Post subject:
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