General Discussion - 'Boardwalk Empire' Season 1, Episode 6 wdz123 - Thu Nov 24, 2011 10:41 pm Post subject: 'Boardwalk Empire' Season 1, Episode 6
'Boardwalk Empire' Season 1, Episode 6
For Nucky to say, at the end of 'boardwalk empire dvd,' that he tries "to be good" felt just a bit too on the nose for this thoughtful and compelling show. It may have been too literal a statement about an argument that 'Boardwalk Empire' has carefully begun to make -- that being "good" and being wise are often different things, and that getting what you think you want doesn't necessarily solve your problems; it may, in fact, create new ones.boardwalk empire season 1 dvd
Van Alden's session with his belt was only the the most graphic case of a character punishing himself for failing to live up to his own standards, let alone those of his religion and his culture. No words were necessary in that scene. Thanks to Michael Shannon's intensity, it was impossible to look away from Van Alden's weirdly compelling masochism. And the look on Margeret Schroeder's face, as she regarded her new status as "boardwalk empire box set," told us everything we needed to know about her reaction to her new life. She left her respectable, if shabby, life only to land herself in a gilded cage, as the plaything of a man who would or would not call her based on his whims and business commitments. She hadn't thought about the possible downsides, because, after so much suffering, she didn't want to. dexter - Thu Nov 24, 2011 11:49 pm Post subject:
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