Obviously the recent down turn has meant that more and more people are looking for cheap name brand clothes. So my first
recommendation where you can get name brand designer clothes at discount prices is at secretsales.com and also some very decent prices can be found at
Another great place to get really cheap name brand clothes is thrift/charitable shops. You
normally get these stores in most cities, if you are not 100% sure where one is in your locality
then you can easily search for it online or use yellow pages. Once you go there you will not
only find cheap designer clothes but you can also inquire as to when they hold sales where you
can get your favourite brands at even more cheaper prices. You may think that the stuff might be
really worn out and hence they ended up in the thrift store but you will be pleasantly
surprised as to how many people donate things which are hardly used because they either don’t
fit or they just don’t like that item anymore, as they say one man’s trash is another man’s
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