General Discussion - How to transfer SWF documents to image series? kerryzeng - Wed Jul 13, 2011 5:32 pm Post subject: How to transfer SWF documents to image series?
As we know, the full name of SWF is actually shockwave flash which is commonly a unique format for flash animations and additionally games built by the flash designer software - Flash. Subsequently, it's been broadly utilized in fields including animation design together with web page design. What's more, it's powerful interactivity. And increasing numbers of people like to develop flash games together with web page advertising in SWF format.
Sometimes, we discover a few attractive scenes in a SWF document that we really love. Then how could we obtain it in picture format? So what we will discuss is how to transfer SWF to image.
Step1: down load a SWF to video converter. Set it up and start this software.
Step 2: import the initial SWF documents from the local personal computer or possibly internet. In case you have several SWF flash documents to import, you are able to switch to the batch mode.
Step 3: click “Export” as well as select “Image series”. You are able to select the output folder for the pictures and click on “settings” to personalize the output picture quality.
Step 4: click “Convert” to begin the process transformation. This software will show you the procedure of the transformation. What’s more, it'll automatically open the folder where the output pictures locate.
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