General Discussion - Types Of Liens On Real Estate backkony - Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:45 am Post subject: Types Of Liens On Real Estate
-A lien is a legal recorded claim against a property. The claim encumbers the property as a means to collect money owed, such as a mortgage, property taxes, or an unpaid debt owed to a contractor who performed work on the property. There are other reasons liens are recorded against a property.-Equitable lien. When a property is held as collateral and the parties agree in a document, that the property is used to secure the debt.-General liens. These liens all real estate and personal property. Court ordered judgments, probate actions, and IRS taxes fall under this category. nadalkruz - Fri Jun 24, 2011 9:12 pm Post subject:
Liens are monetary claims against a property to secure a debt or obligation of the property developers and builders deed restrictions owner.The place to control the use of the property and maintain standards of construction.When two properties with different owners are adjacent to each other and we have the right to use the property of another. andrewkemy - Tue Sep 20, 2011 11:15 pm Post subject:
When you have a mortgage and voluntarily accept the privilege of mortgage is a guarantee for the lender in case of default on a mortgage loan.Homeowner local associations and governing bodies can issue special assessments for repairs and improvements . peterjackon - Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:47 pm Post subject:
The strike claimed the property as a way to collect money owed as a mortgage, local associations and property taxes.Homeowner bodies may make special assessments for repairs. ivy00135 - Tue Nov 13, 2012 4:45 am Post subject: 酒店S 酒店上班 酒店店家小姐 酒店文化 鋼琴酒吧 酒店經紀大台北區域 酒店小姐 酒店經紀 酒店上班 海角40號酒店 天天開心酒店(25B1) 香水酒店(龍昇) 紅妝酒店 絕色民生酒店(金艷) 甜蜜之戀酒店 錦洲國際會館 香格里拉酒店 高雄酒店經紀 花中花酒店(夜宴) 龍承酒店(威妮斯) 星光大道酒店 帝國酒店 廣儱酒店 大富豪酒店 CEO會館(長虹酒店) 老頑童酒店 威士登酒店 尊爵酒店 名亨酒店 絕色酒店 星光會館(英皇酒店) 酒店 隆乳 高雄美食小吃網 瑞豐夜市 六合夜市 鼎山夜市 光華夜市 興中夜市 吉林夜市 南華夜市(新興夜市) 自強夜市(苓雅夜市) 高雄酒店經紀 五甲廟夜市