General Discussion - Women of SNL zjlozy - Thu Mar 17, 2011 8:52 pm Post subject: Women of SNL
Girl power ruled on NBC's "Women of SNL" special on Monday night (Nov 1) as our favorite "Saturday Night Live" ladies reunited to remember their finest moments over the last 36 seasons of "Saturday Night Live."
The evening kicked off with a "Real Housewives" spoof, with Bravo's Andy Cohen leading Maya Rudolph, Kristen Wiig, Rachel Dratch, Molly Shannon, Cheri Oteri, Ana Gasteyer, and Tina Fey in a reunion-style catfight.
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In addition to the new material, we got to watch some of the best-ever "Saturday Night Live" bits, including the "Debbie Downer" sketch with Dratch and Lindsay Lohan, where every single actor in the scene broke character, cracking up as Debbie moaned about her melanoma.
We also revisited Betty White's "Muffin" NPR skit, Amy Poehler's pregnant "No Angel" perfume ad, and, of course, Fey's now-legendary first appearance as Sarah Palin.
The special also featured appearances by Jane Curtin, Jan Hooks, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
Of course, a "Women of SNL" special wouldn't be complete without a look back at the magnificent work done by Gilda Radner, who passed away in 1989. Radner's Lisa Loopner, Baba Wawa, Emily Litella, and Roseanne Roseannadanna characters are some of the most iconic in "SNL ioslover - Tue Jun 07, 2011 12:02 pm Post subject:
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