General Discussion - The easiest way to rip Blu-ray to Xbox 360 yhaichang - Fri Mar 11, 2011 7:35 pm Post subject: The easiest way to rip Blu-ray to Xbox 360
You must play games frequently on your Xbox 360, and maybe sometimes you would like to try downloading and watching movies on it as well. Once it comes to Blu-ray movies, you can use XtoYsoft Blu-ray to Xbox 360 Ripper to help you convert any Blu-ray to Xbox 360 compatible files flawlessly which work perfectly on your Xbox 360.
Here is a step-by-step guide followed for reference to rip Blu-ray to Xbox 360.
Step 1) Start up XtoYsoft Blu-ray to Xbox 360 Ripper
Step 2) Load Blu-ray disc
Insert your Blu-ray disc to BD drive (if you've saved it on your hard drive already, please click on the arrow to load the root folder of this movie) for the ripping process.
Choose the region code.
Loading the files.
Next, choose the movie titles you want to rip. In this example, we are ripping Title852. You can click Browse to choose another place to store the ripped video files.
Step 3) Start to rip
After a simple setting, click Transform. The conversion will do it work.
If you want to do more configuration about the software, you can click [IMG][/IMG] at the right-top of the window.
After some minutes or hours later (depending on your PC's speed and the length of movie), you will get a message that the ripping process has completed successfully, then press the Finish button.
Step 4) Transfer ripped file to Xbox 360
After the conversion is completed, you can get the ripped video files in the output folder. Now you can transfer the ripped videos to your Xbox 360 game console in the most suitable way for you, and then enjoy it!
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