iPhone Accessories - New Year's day meaning chuanchuan - Mon Dec 27, 2010 6:44 pm Post subject: New Year's day meaning
1, China ancient times says the New Year's day New Year's day "or" YuanRi, yuan long, yuan to new moon and yuan dynasty, specific date in spring
before each are not identical, emperor han too early, sima qian and first "too early to calendar" the month for New Year's day, from now on past
dynasties has, until the period of the republic of China.
2, the western confence approved introduced into China in the period of the republic of western after January 1 as New Year's day, 1949, Chinese
people's political consultative conference resolution to establish the western January 1 as "New Year's day", JiuLiNian day of the first month was
renamed as "Spring Festival"
"Yuan" have a beginning of Italy, "denier" means the time and the dawn general refers to the daytime. New Year's day, is the first day of the year.
"New Year's day, the word from the earliest people XiaoZiYun the dielectric jas sishi poem:" four gas new New Year's day, WanShouChu today." The song
dynasty wu self "the dream LiangLu" volume a "first" entries: "the ShuoRi, is known as the New Year's day, common cry for New Year. This year, the order
for the day." ; Han Chai mingyuan been reflected the jahaziel cui is called "yuan is in";" YuChan "jin Yang ode in called" magic "; $ When a piece of beiqi
the yuan will be multiplied song imperial summer phrase "shout for" yuan spring ", One YuanRi back toward the LiShi view to camp poems by army in call
"yuan sanzhen". Always refer to XiaLi (New Year's day of the first month the lunar, lunar calendar). In Chinese dialects have different hyphenates, have
called "lunar New Year", have called "big days month", have called on New Year's day ", generally called "the first month".
"Yuan" have a beginning of Italy, "denier" means the time and the dawn general refers to the daytime. New Year's day, is the first day of the year.
"New Year's day, the word from the earliest people XiaoZiYun the dielectric jas sishi poem:" four gas new New Year's day, WanShouChu today." The
song dynasty wu self "the dream LiangLu" volume a "first" entries: "the ShuoRi, is known as the New Year's day, common cry for New Year. This year,
the order for the day." ; Han Chai mingyuan been reflected the jahaziel cui is called "yuan is in";" YuChan "jin Yang ode in called" magic "; $ When
a piece of beiqi the yuan will be multiplied song imperial summer phrase "shout for" yuan spring ", One YuanRi back toward the LiShi view to camp
poems by army in call "yuan sanzhen". Always refer to XiaLi (New Year's day of the first month the lunar, lunar calendar). In Chinese dialects have
different hyphenates, have called "lunar New Year", have called "big days month", have called on New Year's day ", generally called "the first month".
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