iPod - How to watch DVD movie on iPad winniel - Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:52 pm Post subject: How to watch DVD movie on iPad
On 27th February 2010. Steve Jobs unveils Apple tablet- iPad and its specifications. The iPad comes with a 9.7 inch screen, iPhone OS and muti-touch screen. Moreover, it supports both Wifi and 3G network. Several weeks later, the dvd to ipad converter also updated to support ipad mp4 very well.
Everyday, we may like to watch some videos or movies for pleasure. Thanks to the great ipad, watching multimedia files becomes easier on an ipad. With the dvd to ipad converter, it becomes much easier to rip dvd to ipad(convert dvd to ipad). So enjoy the converting dvd to ipad with the super ipad dvd converter.
Right, you can buy pretty much everything from iTunes, but a lot of people want to know is it possible to watch dvd movie on ipad & convert dvd on iPad since there is no build in DVD-ROM? Sure, it possible and easy. Here, I will show you how to convert dvd to ipad and put DVD on iPad in 3 steps.
Step 1 Download DVD to iPad converter
Go to download dvd to ipad converter (Supported iPad) on your PC. Installing it and then running it.
Step 2 convert DVD to iPad with one click
Just inserting your favorite DVD on the DVD-ROM and Wondershare DVD to iPhone converter will read your DVD movie automatically. If not, just click "DVD" tab and import the DVD. Then, select output video format as .mp4 and set up video resolution, frame rate and audio rates etc. after all settings you can click "Start" bottom to begin DVD conversion.iPad since there is no build in DVD-ROM? Sure, it possible and easy. Here, I will show you how to convert dvd to ipad and put DVD on iPad in 3 steps.
Step 3 put DVD to iPad
Connect your Apple iPad to PC and sync the converted DVD video to your iPad with iTunes. (if you are new to iTune please read its guides from the Help). Now, you can watch your favorite DVD movie on your iPad.
That it, with 3 steps you can convert any DVD movies to iPad supported video formats and sync it to your iPad. It's easy enough for everyone. Enjoy watching DVD with your iPad anytime and anywhere.
DVD to ipad is easy when you own the smart tool!
more information:
dvd to ipad converter;rip dvd to ipad;convert dvd to ipad;how to convert dvd to ipad convert dvd to ipad;dvd to ipad ripper;dvd to ipad converter;ipad dvd ripperivy00135 - Thu Nov 15, 2012 8:44 pm Post subject: 岡山中山夜市 鳳山青年夜市 國民市場(青年市場)夜市 六合夜市烤肉之家 六合夜市度小月擔仔麵 六合夜市海產粥 六合夜市第一家鹹酥雞 六合夜市東山鴨頭 六合夜市台南鹽水意麵 六合夜市鱔魚意麵 六合夜市鄭老牌木瓜牛奶 六合夜市老江紅茶牛奶 六合夜市現烤烏魚子 高雄酒店經紀 口福黑輪 品元冷飲工坊 三牛牛肉麵 劉家酸白菜火鍋 汾陽餛飩店 渡船頭海之冰 阿榮海鮮鵝肉 八卦海產店 老四川巴蜀麻辣燙 陳家鹽水鴨 黑仕香腸 江豪記臭豆腐王 高雄酒店經紀 廖家黑輪 上海生煎湯包 成家鴨肉麵 新大港香腸 昭明台式海產店 郭家肉燥飯 香味海產粥臭豆腐 興隆居湯包燒餅 武藏無煙日式燒肉 高雄酒店經紀 金城鴨肉 冬粉王 米糕城 阿財雞絲麵 大胖碳烤三明治 老爹爹泰式料理 高雄婆婆冰