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Welcome to iPhone Forumz:: The Ultimate iPhone Forum
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This is a community driven site for the new Apple iPhone. You will find tons of information on this iPhone Forum. Find up-to-date news on the phone all in one place. There are multiple iPhone Forums on this site to communicate and learn about the Apple iPhone. There will be updates on the phone and its release.
Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:15 am by news |
Apple is one of the world?s few companies that actually has customers rallying together in order to let them buy that company?s product. Canadians are (understandably) fed up with waiting for the iPhone and have decided to take matters into their own hands.
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Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 8:04 am by news |
Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:57 am by news |
Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 7:35 am by news |
Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:32 am by news |
Another neat new program (actually, two of them) popped up online for complete GUI iPhone and jailbreaking. Both of the programs (one is for Mac, the other is for Windows machines), just like ZiPhone, can unlock any existing and currently available iPhone firmware version (from v1.0.0 to v1.1.4 ? it can also jailbreak the iPod Touch).
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Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:29 am by news |
Several Apple patents have emerged describing what iPhone might become one day. A ?Lifestyle companion? is similar to Nike+iPod exercise system. It uses accelerometer and other external sensors like GPS to track your workout and provide data for various lifestyle applications, which would show you statistics and provide further suggestions
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Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:18 am by news |
Apple has posted a new job opening, demanding Handwriting Recognition Engineer. The person should be well versed in pattern recognition, C/C++ coding, Cocoa programming, be familiar with hidden markov model and neural net algorithms. The primary are of focus will be on handwriting technology, but the ad notes that the development
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Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 5:13 am by news |
Who will provide iPhone in China is still unknown, but that does not stop people from buying unlocked phones. Reportedly, there are over 600,000 unlocked iPhones in there, and some companies decided to make the best from the situation like this. Buzz Technologies has launched a mobile search portal for the iPhone in Chinese.
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Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:55 am by news |
Posted on Sun Mar 30, 2008 4:05 am by news |
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